Agenda item

Measuring the urban cost complexity of housing and homelessness


Philip Clifford summarised research commissioned during the last political cycle into the distinct cost pressures faced by urban local authorities and sought direction from the Board on the next steps.


Members made the following comments:


  • Homelessness and the pandemic is a growing concern, especially as landlords are now allowed to order evictions.
  • There needs to be more quantifiable data in the report, evidence-based research that members can use to lobby.
  • Now would be a good time to cover the cost element, given how members have all done work in this area and have measurables in terms of cost and numbers.


Officers responded:


  • There are data limitations around the extent to which costs can be quantified at a national level.
  • Officers will work to ensure this evidence is presented to Government as soon as possible.




Members noted the report.