Agenda item

Highlighting Political Leadership offer: 2020/21 Work update


The Chairman invited Cllr Judi Billing and Sophie Poole, Head of Leadership, to introduce the update.


Judi thanked officers for the speed with which they had adapted the leadership offer to fit around the Covid restrictions.


Sophie added that officers were trying to develop an offer that was flexible enough to enable all councillors to take part, regardless of their personal circumstances.


Grace Collins, Adviser – Leadership & Localism, provided an update live from the Leadership Essentials training that was taking place as a hybrid event at the University of Warwick. She reported that the event was going well so far and both facilitators and delegates were getting used to the new format. She praised the University for making the venue reassuringly covid-safe. Feedback would be collated from the delegates and improvements made if necessary. Grace shared these photos from the event.


Members raised the following points:

·       Some reservations were expressed about the operation of ‘hybrid’ training events. Sophie said that with the ongoing Covid situation it was unlikely that the programme will fully return to Warwick for some time. Therefore, they are trying different ways to run the programme, so that sessions continue to be accessible to all,and would take on board any feedback.

·       It was suggested that the Personal Leadership Challenge and coaching offers could be amalgamated.

·       Members suggested using platforms such as Youtube and Spotify to promote events and the free SLI offer.


Members of the Improvement & Innovation Board noted the progress of the adaptations and new offers within the reshaped Leadership offer.


Supporting documents: