Agenda item

Update on Maritime and Coastguard Agency Review of the Legal Responsibilities for Beach Safety


The Chair introduced the report which provided an overview of the independent review into beach safety carried out for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). Key recommendations from the review and the potential impacts on local authorities include; legal duties, coast and lifeguarding, and broader engagement.


            Following the discussion, Members made the following comments:

·       More emphasis was needed around engaging and educating people about water safety. Before COVID some beaches had Beach Ambassadors who interacted with locals and visitors regarding water safety, which worked very well.

·       Concerns around placing another extensive duty on local authorities, which will have an impact on costs and raises questions how this will be funded; there is also a grey area of privately owned beaches and foreshore, with fragmented ownership potentially making this very complex.

·       Members welcomed the fact legislation around Coast guards is being looked at but felt the review had not considered search and rescue, which is no longer provided by the Royal Navy or Royal Air Force so is often privately operated.

·       The National Coast Watch Institution which has not been mentioned in the report, has over 50 operational stations and carries out coast watch activities with trained volunteers.


Rebecca responded that the review is extensive, covering a wide depth of recommendations and impacts, but stressed that it is an independent review and not an MCA recommendation. 



Members of the Safer and Stronger Communities Board noted the report.



·       Officers to look into the National Coast Watch Institution

·       Officers to review Cornwall feedback

·       Officers to feed the Board’s views into the consultation response.


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