Agenda item

Support for Low Income Households


The Chair invited Rose Doran (Senior Adviser) to provide a verbal update on recent activity. Rose noted the following points:


-          HM Treasury had agreed additional funding to the end of June 2021 to support Self-Isolation Payments and the discretionary fund available to local authorities. Additional monies for parents and carers.

-          Working alongside the Community Wellbeing Board on non-financial support for Self-Isolation. Attempts were ongoing to bridge work being conducted by MHCLG and DHSC ahead of a review of schemes in May 2021. Rose added that an update would be available to lead members following a meeting with DHSC on 4/3/21.

-          A six month extension to the £20 per week increase in basic Universal Credit payments was to be announced in the Spring Budget.

-          A further £50M funding was being made available to the Winter Support Grant extending the programme to Easter 2021.

-          Discretionary Housing Payment was being discussed with DWP ahead the next spending review.

In the subsequent discussion the following points were raised by members:


-          Concerns were expressed with perceptions of the Self-Isolation Payments, where it was felt the level of support was insufficient to provide real security to lower earners. Rose responded noting that wider structural conversations were required regarding the Government’s approach to the welfare system and the burden administration for Self-Isolation Payments falling on to local authorities.

-          Potential issues around eligibility for Discretionary Housing Payments were noted where an individual was not eligible for Universal Credit.

-          A view was expressed that the temporary £20 per week uplift in the rate of Universal Credit payments should be made permanent.


Members of the Resources Board noted the update.