Agenda item

Update on Memorandum of Understanding Activity in 2020-21


The Chairman invite Mia Shelton, Improvement & Strategy Adviser, to introduce the update.


Mia ran through the main elements of the LGA’s support offer since the last Board meeting in October and outlined programmes running through to the end of the financial year in March 2021. These included:

·       Leadership

·       Digital solutions and innovation

·       Predictive analytics, including a new guide, and supporting the local government Advanced Predictive Analytics Network.

·       Social Value in procurement

·       Housing and homelessness, including the Housing Advisers Programme.

·       Economic growth, including a new economic growth support hub.

·       Climate change

·       Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion, including a new EDI hub which will be up and running early in the new year.

Following Mia’s introduction, members raised the following points:

·       Members put on record their thanks to officers, and Grace Collins in particular, for the speed and efficiency with which the various support offers had been moved online since the pandemic started. It was felt that this flexibility typified the approach of the wider local government workforce.

·       On the EDI work, it was queried whether the LGA should be establishing programmes ‘in response to’ high profile campaigns and movements, as this risked marginalising those whose voices were not being heard. Other members felt that it was very important for the LGA to adjust its offer to address issues raised by movements such as Black Lives Matter, as under-representation of the BAME community in local government was a serious problem. Mia said that the LGA was taking an holistic approach to all protected characteristics under the Equality Act. Dennis Skinner added that councils were indicating that they wanted more support in the EDI field so the support programme would address this.

·       Would the LGA be looking at maternity provision as part of its EDI work? Mia said that they would be looking at this as it was part of the Equality Act.

·       Cllr Prior reported that the Welsh LGA would, for the first time, be receiving an SLI support grant from the Welsh Government next year, with a consultation on the detail taking place early in the new year.


The Chairman thanked officers for all their hard work on delivering SLI support to councils in what had been a very challenging year.



·       Improvement & Innovation Board noted the update.


·       Officers to brief Equalities Advocate on EDI work.


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