Agenda item

UK Shared Prosperity Fund


The Chairman invited Paul Green, Adviser, to introduce the report.


Paul introduced the report which updated Board Members on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and sought Members’ steer on engagement with the Government in shaping the fund.


Members made the following comments:


  • We need to keep a close eye on the announcement from Robert Jenrick which stated that the UKSPF will go through local authorities and not Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs).


  • In Robert Jenrick’s announcement, he indicated that modelling work would be undertaken to ensure that money was allocated proportionally to the places that needed it most.


  • Whilst we all work well with our local MPs and they’re good at lobbying nationally for us when needed, from an LGA point of view, there is a bit infringement on local councillors’ responsibilities in getting MPs more involved in day-to-day decision making.


  • With regards to education and training, this report refers to the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) funding and the specific projects that are in place to keep young people in education and employment, we therefore need to keep a close eye on what’s going to happen with the UKSPF. Also, with regards to the Erasmus Programme and the replacement touring in relation to training opportunities, will that be funded separately?


  • This needs to be evidence and criteria based. The functions previously carried out by the Committee of the Regions should be brought back to the UK on a non-statutory basis, that’s something that the LGA should push back on and insist that local government should have a statutory right to be consulted on issues that impact local government and local communities.


Paul responded to comments made by Members:


  • There are concerns that this might be a centralised bidding pot, which is something that we need to flag up further in our lobbying to ensure that the funding is allocated based on need rather than the competitive element.




Members noted the report.


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