Agenda item

Local Government Finance Update


The Chair invited Nicola Morton (Head of Programme, Local Government Finance) to discuss the paper. In her update, Nicola noted the following points:


-        The Government published the final 2021/22 Local Government Settlement, which was largely in line with expectations.

-        The Business Rates Review final report was delayed until Autumn 2021.

-        Lead Members had approved submissions to the Treasury Select Committee review of the Green Book and the Housing, Communities & Local Government Select Committee review on financial sustainability.

-        All members would receive a copy of the Spring Budget On-the-Day Briefing.


In the subsequent discussion the members raised the following points:


-        A view was expressed regarding the level of funding for local government for COVID-19. It was felt that the total cost of the COVID-19 pandemic to local authorities could be staggering, with greater renumeration needed given the vital role played by councils. Nicola responded that the LGA had been working very closely with MHCLG to monitor this and is calling for the Government to compensation authorities for all costs and income losses..

-        It was asked whether the LGA had information on cuts to services and savings plans for 2021/22. Sarah explained that such research hasn’t yet been conducted but could be considered.

-        Another query was raised on the treatment of climate change and community wealth building initiatives in the Green Book. Bevis Ingram (Senior Adviser) explained that while this isn’t covered in the Green Book it is addressed in detail in the supporting guidance.


The members of the Resources Board noted the report.


Supporting documents: