Agenda item

LGA annual conference and Spotlight webinar series

Verbal update from Amanda Pullen and Dennis Skinner


The Chairman invited Amanda Pullen (Programme Coordination Manager) to introduce the report.


Amanda provided a verbal update to the Board which highlighted key information in relation to the LGA annual conference and Spotlight webinar series. The key points highlighted were as follows:


  • The LGA annual conference would be held virtually over three days (6, 7 and 8 July).


  • The LGA annual conference was still in the early stages of planning, and in relation to the platform that would be used, the LGA’s conference and events team would go out to tender for a virtual platform. An outcome in relation to the virtual platform was expected at the end of March/beginning of April.


  • The LGA annual conference would focus on ensuring that improvement was threaded throughout the conference agenda in a greater way than it had been in the past, and a number of joint submissions had been put forward by colleagues between the policy and improvement teams, such as: climate change and green recovery. The productivity teams, improvement teams, and test, track and outbreak management teams had put forward submissions on behavioural insights, equality, Covid-19 and digital connectivity.


  • Two Spotlight-on webinar sessions would take place which would have a more interactive, improvement and innovation focus. It was anticipated that one of the Spotlight-on sessions would focus on leadership, and the other session would focus on one or two topics that had not made it into the main selection.


  • The Spotlight-on sessions would be curated rather than the usual call for submissions.




  • Improvement & Innovation Board noted the verbal update.




Officers to submit an update to the next meeting of the Improvement & Innovation Board.