Agenda item

Update on the LGA Behavioural Insights programme


The Chairman invited Cllr Neil Prior, Lead Member, and Susan Attard, to introduce the update.


Neil highlighted the LGA’s Nudges for Social Good podcast to members.


Susan explained that this year, in response to feedback from councils, the programme would be expanded and delivered through a consortium model, bringing groups of local authorities together to tackle a shared behavioural challenge. This approach would reduce the procurement burden on councils as well as enabling the programme to support more councils than in previous years. The LGA would be commissioning a supplier to work with 10 consortia to run a behavioural insights trial between September 2021 to March 2022. The LGA’s annual Behavioural Insights conference in February 2022 would be an opportunity for councils to hear from those taking part in the programme.


Members comments and questions:

·       How were the consortia of councils selected? Susan said that councils with similar issues would come together themselves with the LGA playing a co-ordinating role.



·       Improvement & Innovation Board noted the update.


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