Agenda item

Green skills


The Chair invited Jacob Coburn, Adviser, to introduce the report.


Jacob introduced the report which aimed to facilitate initial discussions and next steps in relation to the LGA’s activity on climate change. The Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport (EEHT) Board requested that a skills and employment dimension paper be submitted, led by the City Regions and People and Places Boards, Cllr Emily O’Brien would present the report at the upcoming EEHT Board meeting.


Board Members made the following comments:


·       In relation to point 17 within the report, a Board Member requested more information with regards to the scale and pace of the pilot taking place. The need to put pressure on government for a more flexible application of the apprenticeship levy was also emphasised.

·       The importance of training opportunities was emphasised, the need to lobby for funding from government for a peer offer for Cabinet Members and training for officers within councils. A question was asked which related to the LGA Conference and the way in which training opportunities would feature.

·       Board Members raised concern in relation to the lack of clarity of the meaning of ‘green skills’ and all that it entailed.

·       A Board Member suggested that a paragraph be added to the report which related to the way in which local authorities worked with regional Mayors to deliver green jobs.

·       In relation to skills, a Board Member suggested that the role of local government in working closely with schools be included within the report and the work that schools undertook to make children and young people aware of the changing economy, future employment and skills.


Jacob responded to Board Members’ comments:


·       In relation to point 17 within the report, a further update would be provided to Board Members as progress was made.

·       A toolkit would soon be created to allow for a better understanding of green jobs and the green element of jobs for a skills pathway. It was anticipated that the toolkit could then be shared with different sectors, not just within local government.

·       In relation to the comment made which related to the LGA Conference and the inclusion of training opportunities, officers would provide a further update to Board Members as progress was made.

·       With regards to rural and urban areas, officers continued to undertake work in relation to the greater levy flexibility which would be part of the wider work local refresh.

·       Officers would attempt to engage with regional Mayors and work to include a paragraph within the report.




·       Board Members noted the report.


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