Agenda item

Digital Connectivity


The Chair welcomed Cllr Mark Hawthorne, LGA’s Digital Champion, to the meeting and invited Esther Barrott, Adviser, to introduce the report.


Esther introduced the report which provided members with three priority areas for digital connectivity policy over the 2021/22 political cycle and sets out proposed actions for discussion with Cllr Mark Hawthorne.


The Chair invited Cllr Hawthorne to speak to the report.


  • Cllr Hawthorne highlighted the vast number of changes within government departments as a result of the recent government reshuffle, as well as within Building Digital UK (BDUK) and Ofcom. He emphasised the importance of continued engagement with government ministers and key stakeholders to ensure that the voice and concerns of local authorities are acknowledged.
  • The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic had reminded people of the importance and power of technology and the need to stay connected.


Board Members made the following comments:


·       A question was asked which related to government official, Chris Philps’ view on the role of local councils in shaping the programme in the future.

·       The importance of ensuring that rural areas were not forgotten, particularly in relation to connecting individuals to prevent social isolation and loneliness, was emphasised.

·       Further support was needed from central government in relation to recruitment and skills delivery.

·       The importance of enabling community projects was emphasised.

Cllr Hawthorne responded to Board Members’ comments:


·       In light of the recent government re-shuffle, officers continued to liaise with the new ministerial team to highlight the vital work that local government undertook.

·       Work to ensure that rural communities did not get left behind would continue, especially in relation to mobile connectivity.

·       Much work had already been undertaken in promoting and supporting community schemes, this would be re-emphasised when liaising with new ministerial teams to ensure that the pressure continued.

·       The disconnect between planning at a ministerial level and a local level was emphasised.


The Chair suggested that the recommendation be amended from:


"Members are invited to:


1.           agree, subject to a discussion with Cllr Mark Hawthorne, the proposed actions for the People and Places Board to pursue over the 2021/22 political cycle as set out in paragraph 21.




“Members are invited to:


1.           agree,subject to a discussion with Cllr Mark Hawthorne, the proposed actions for the People and Places Board to pursue over the 2021/22 political cycle as set out in paragraph 21; and


2.           note Cllr Mark Hawthorne’s continued involvement with the new ministerial team.”




·       Board Members noted the report and the amended recommendation as set out above.


Supporting documents: