Agenda item

National Association of Local Councils (NALC) - Town and Parish Councils


The Chair invited Philip Clifford, Senior Adviser, to introduce the report.


Philip introduced the report which provided a brief overview of the Board’s recent work in relation to Town and Parish Councils.


The Chair welcomed Cllr Sue Baxter, Chairman of the National Association of Local Councils, and Justin Griggs, Head of Policy and Communications, and invited Cllr Baxter to speak to the report.


Cllr Baxter introduced herself and updated Board Members on the vital role that parish and town councils played during the Covid-19 emergency and outlined the urgent need to invest in increasing the sector’s capacity and capability. Following the well-received publication of the research set out within the report, there had been renewed interest in how the LGA and NALC might work together to take forward the themes and recommendations of the work.


Board Members made the following comments:


·       There were reservations in relation to potential further devolvement of powers and resources to the lowest council level from government.

·       Concerns had been raised which related to the organisation, planning and training of parish and town councillors, as well as a lack of diversity in their makeup and a democratic deficit.

·       A Board Member expressed the need for clarity and more detailed work in relation to the training and role of the clerk within parish and town councils and added that good governance at a local level was essential.

·       A Board Member emphasised the importance of trust in decision-making processes and ensuring that councils had the capacity to achieve targets and deliver to residents.

·       In terms of the evolution of double-devolution models, a Board Member said that councillors needed to show parish and town councils how they too could be local leaders with the voluntary sector.


Cllr Baxter responded to Board Members’ comments:


·       Parish and town councils needed investment to build up capability as NALC did not share in the £20m of improvement funding that the LGA received from government.

·       The allowances which were available to individuals who were not Chairmen of parish councils were so low that it excluded individuals who needed to work to earn a living.

·       NALC had set up a diversity commission to ensure that parish and town councils became more diverse.

·       Holding meetings remotely was much welcomed as it allowed more individuals to attend.




·       Board Members noted the report.




·       Officers noted Board Members’ comments and would continue to shape future engagement with NALC within the context of the levelling up white paper.


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