Agenda item

Building Safety Update


The Chairman invited Charles Loft, Senior Adviser to give an update on developments in building safety work including the progress on the Building Risk Review and the recent statement made by the Secretary of State.


Following the discussion, Members made the following comments:


·        Members expressed concerns that local authorities, by law, are not able to differentiate from developers who deliver good service compared to those who do not when determining whether to give planning permission.

·        Members commented that the Housing Revenue Accounts (HRA) were under a lot of pressure following enforced rent reduction, lack of investment in stock, and existing fire safety work to carry out on top of work on cladding.

·        Concern was raised at the lack of funding to councils for remediation


In response, Charles Loft made the following comments:


·        DLUHC were trying to understand the full implications if social landlords were required to cover costs. There were concerns that it could have implications for councils’ provision of housing in the future. Some work would be done to study the effect on social landlords and the LGA would support this.

·        The LGA would be pushing for DLUHC to require developers to contribute towards costs councils have covered as well as the fund they are required to pay into


The Chairman thanked Charles Loft for his update.



·        Officers to circulate information on the building safety leadership essential to the board



The Environment, Economy, Housing & Transport Board noted the paper.



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