Agenda item

Welcome, Apologies and Substitutes, Declarations of Interest


The Chairman welcomed and introduced Members to the Environment, Economy, Housing & Transport Board meeting.


Apologies were received from Cllr Mark Crane, Cllr Martin Gannon, Mayor Philip Glanville, Cllr Pippa Heylings, Cllr Paul Marshall, Cllr Darren Rodwell and Cllr Vikki Slade.


Cllr Tony Ball, Cllr Stewart Golton, Cllr Imogen Payter, Cllr Clare Penny-Evans and Cllr Martin Whelton were in attendance as substitutes.


For transparency, the Chairman declared, for item 5 that he was Leader of Swindon Council which was one of the new local planning authorities subjected to advice on nutrient neutrality