Agenda item

Behavioural Insights Programme update

Caroline Temperton (Doncaster Council) to join


The Chairman invited Cllr Neil Prior and Rhian Gladman, Programme Manager (Productivity), to introduce the report.


Rhian provided members with a brief reminder of the principles of Behavioural Insights (BI) and an update on the LGA’s work in this area. She then introduced Ameela Iles from Bradford Council – part of the LGA-led project to use behaviour change techniques to encourage active travel across the Yorkshire and Humber region. The project was being carried out in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University’s Centre for Behavioural Science and Applied Psychology.


Ameela took members through the project and explained the details of the focus groups and online surveys that formed part of the trial. Some of the challenges faced, including capacity in councils, the impact of covid and maintaining stakeholder engagement, were outlined. Finally, the next steps for the project were described including analysing the trial results, disseminating and applying the findings in Yorkshire and Humber and beyond and further exploring the data for additional insights to inform the wider active travel agenda.



Improvement & Innovation Board noted the report and presentation.


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