Agenda item

Transport - Fixed Penalty Notices and Buses Funding update


The Chairman invited Kamal Panchal, Senior Adviser, to present the report which sought views from Members on proposals to seek powers which would allow local authorities outside of London to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for offenses such as unlicensed skips and wilful obstruction of the highways.


Also included in the report was an update on Bus Recovery Funding.


Members made the following comments:


  • Thanks was given to the Chairman and officers for their work lobbying the government following the announcement that there would be an additional £150 million in funding for bus and light rail operators until October 2022.
  • Members expressed their support to seeking powers for local authorities to issue Fixed Penalty Notices.
  • It was queried who would have the receipts of the notices.


In response, Kamal Panchal made the following comments:


  • Consideration would be given to which authority would receive the fines as it would be more complicated in areas with two tiered authorities than in the unitary authorities and in London boroughs.
  • The progress of this would be brought back to a future Board meeting.




1.     Members agreed that the LGA should support the call as raised by Thurrock and the consortium of Essex Councils


2.     Members endorsed the LGA undertaking further work on this issue.


3.     Member noted the information on the Bus Recovery Grant.


Supporting documents: