Agenda item

Welcome, Apologies and Substitutes, Declarations of Interest


The Chair welcomed members to the Safer and Stronger Communities Board meeting.


Apologies were received from Mayor Damien Egan. Cllr Philip Evans had retired at the recent election, with Cllr Karen Lucioni in attendance as a substitute.


The Chair mentioned that Cllr Mohan Iyengar was no longer a member of the board as he had stood down as a Conservative councillor. She thanked Cllr Iyengar for his time on the board and the work he had contributed as a lead member.


Cllr Lewis Cocking would be the Conservative Lead member for this meeting and the remainder of the Board cycle. Cllr Paul Findlow was in attendance as a substitute.


Declarations of interest were made by Cllr Lewis Cocking, who informed the Board he was Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire and Cllr Jeanie Bell, who works with a charity that receives funding from the local violence reduction unit.