Agenda item

Safer and Stronger Communities End of Year Report 2021/22 and 2022/23 work plan


The Chair introduced the item which set out the Safer and Stronger Communities end of year report, including initial proposals for the 2022/23 work plan, and noted Cllr Iyengar’s contribution to developing a clear forward plan.


Mark highlighted the following key proposed themes for the 2022/23 work priorities which were as followed:

·       Prevent, counterextremism and cohesion

·       Community safety

·       Blue light services and civil resilience

·       Licencing and regulations

·       Building safety

·       Crematoria, coroners and registrars


Following the discussion, members made the following comments:

·       Members commented whether the Government’s preferred model of having a single, elected person governing fire and rescue services government policy would be mandatorily imposed and the existing FRA abolished. Mark replied that there was no mandatory transfer of fire governance mentioned in the Fire Reform White Paper. However, the government and Home Office were clear on a preference for a single point of contact. Fire Services Management Committee (FSMC) and the Fire Commission would be submitting a response when the consultation closes at the end of July. Mark stressed that the response would focus on ensuring that if any changes in governance were made that they should be voluntary and a matter for those in the locality to make decisions.

·       Special Interest Groups (SIG) formed a large part of the report and members felt that it would be better to have a separate report setting out what SIGs had done as distinct to the board.

·       Recruitment and retention in regulatory services should be made a higher priority the work plan as it is a growing problem across the country.

·       Members mentioned that they would like to see some work around hate crime.

·       Members thanked officers for work they have done in the past year particularly around water safety and licencing. 



Members of the Safer and Stronger Communities Board noted the end of year report and considered the Board’s work priorities for 2022/23.



·       Officers to clarify the importance of regulatory services recruitment and retention within the board priorities.


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