Agenda item

Task and Finish Group Updates


The Chair introduced a report which provided the Board with updates on developments related to the work of the four EEHT Task and Finish Groups on Active Travel, Community Transport, Energy, and Apprenticeships for Young People.


The Chair of the Task and Finish Group on Active Travel explained that the Group had met on 26 February and considered the results of a survey on living streets undertaken by Surrey County Council, and had also met with representatives of Sustrans and Living Streets. The survey would be important to identify barriers to the promotion of cycling and walking, and what councils could do to overcome these. Further updates would be provided for the Board in due course.


The Chair of the Task and Finish Group on Energy explained that the Group was at an earlier stage. The work was being undertaken jointly with the Improvement Board and was looking at revenue generation from energy, increased resilience and reductions on environmental impact.




·         Members noted the report and agreed that updates on the various Task and Finish Groups should be included in future Chair’s reports to the Councillors’ Forum.




·         Further updates on Task and Finish Groups to be reported to the next meeting of the Board in June 2015.

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