Agenda item

Safer and Stronger Communities Board 2022-23


a) SSCB Terms of Reference

b) Board Membership 2022-23

c) Board Meetings for 2022-23

d) Board Member Champion Roles 2022-23


The Chair introduced the report which set out how the Safer and Stronger

Communities Board operates and how the LGA works to support the

objectives and work of its member authorities.


The Chair sought the Board’s agreement for appendixes A, B and C, to which

the Board members agreed.


The Chair continued that lead members had discussed and agreed the list of

Board Champions roles and would put forward group nominations.


Following the brief discussion, members made the following comments:

Members suggested that an additional champion role for the Voluntary

Community Sector was needed given that it was an additional work stream

for the Board.



Members of the Safer and Stronger Communities Board noted the report.



Officers to add voluntary community sector into the board champion roles.

Lead members to provide their group’s nominations to champion roles.

Supporting documents: