Agenda item

Membership, Terms of Reference and Board priorities 2022-23


The Chair invited Matthew Hamilton (MH), Head of Improvement Coordination and Strategy, to introduce the update.


MH ran through the Board’s terms of reference and the 4 proposed priority areas of work for the coming year, as set out in the report. The Lead Members had had an initial discussion on the priorities and each had been assigned one of the 4 areas to lead on. Improvement policy was likely to become an increasing focus for the Board following the emphasis being placed on this by DLUHC. The Chair added that the Lead Members had agreed that they would all jointly lead on peer support as an area of work, given its importance to the LGA. Cllr Liz Green would continue to be the Board’s Equalities Advocate and Cllr Peter Fleming would continue to lead the Board’s input into the Innovation Zone at next year’s LGA Conference.


Members’ comments and questions:

·       How would cybersecurity fit into the Board’s priority areas given what an important area it was for councils? MH said that the LGA had a discreet workstream on cybersecurity currently funded by the Cabinet Office, but likely to transfer to DLUHC in the near future. The Board would be provided with an update on the programme at a future meeting during the coming year.



Improvement & Innovation Board:

1.     Noted the Board’s membership

2.     Agreed the Board’s priorities for the coming year

3.     Agreed the Board’s Terms of Reference.

Supporting documents: