Agenda item

People and Places Board meetings Forward Plan


Cllr Bentley invited Rebecca Cox to introduce the paper and members noted key points for consideration and discussion.


Colleagues were invited to comment and made the following points:


  • Skills and improvement (on agenda for January) needs to focus on access and ways in breaking down structural barriers. As a key issue for the Board, it is important that non-metropolitan areas are considered, and all ages are included.
  • Transport and connectivity of individuals links to the skills agenda.
  • The cost of living crisis in rural areas is important and should be considered as a separate item for the March 2023 agenda.
  •  Is there a plan for rural focussed green skills to be considered in the workplan?
  • Members would like a discussion around impact on councils and communities around holiday and second homes at the meeting in March.
  • Rural Poverty is a real problem and challenges are high.


The Chairman noted comments and colleagues agreed to accommodate the items requested for January and March 2023.


Rebecca invited Jasbir Jhas to comment, and members received an outline of plans around engagement and major key issues. Members noted changes within DWP and confirmation of the new Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education, Robert Halfon.


Jas confirmed that further information and discussion will take place at the Board meeting in January in order to inform the way forward and that an invitation would be conveyed to the Minister to attend the next meeting.



  • The People and Places Board meetings Forward Plan was accepted.



  • Officers to include nominated items for discussion on future agendas as follow:
    - January Board – Cost of Living Crisis
    - March Board – Impact of Holiday and Second Homes on communities and councils
  • Rural Proofing to be discussed by Lead Members at their next meeting on 12 December.


The Board moved onto confidential items. No media colleagues were in attendance.


Supporting documents: