Agenda item

Theme 2: Future of Cities Update


The Chair invited Eleanor Law to introduce the report and members were given an update on progress since their last meeting on the Future of Cities.


The Board heard about plans to hold a second urban summit – in conjunction with Core Cities and the RSA in March 2023, with the aim of bringing together the complementary strands of works from these and the Board as well as other work . being carried out by London Councils and Key Cities. The purpose is to agree a series of propositions which would then be used for joint lobbying to Government and to influence political manifestos ahead of the next general election.


Eleanor referred to the planned launch of the series of City Citizen videos and updated colleagues on filming progress to date.


She shared a first edit with colleagues about opportunities and benefits of diversity in Birmingham. Having watched the video, members made several comments:


·       It was really good to showcase cities, but they were confused about the key purpose of the project.

·       The videos need to showcase real problems.

·       The example viewed lacks focus and a diversity of voices.

·       Work is needed to ensure that final versions incorporate the importance of key - as well as core cities - as centres of innovation.

·       Is there any evidence to show how any similar project like this has been received in the past?

·       The particular video was a bit depressing.


Ellie reminded colleagues that this is part of a larger project to hear the voice of real people and to inform propositions to be discussed at the urban summit. Members were informed that there are six videos in total and together they are wide-ranging and diverse with authentic voices participating.


The Chair made several comments:


·       It is vital that the videos have traction and influence.

·       The work of Board and Core Cities around the urban summit needs to be pulled together and aligned with the work of the RSA.

·       Cities must be seen as a national asset - the tone must look at potential, and not just what is lacking.


Members noted plans to hold the summit in either the 2nd or 3rd week of March 2023. The Chair asked for confirmation of the date and suggested pinpointing the same time each subsequent year and focus on ensuring attendance.


The Board were invited to submit any comments and suggestions directly to Eleanor.


The Chair asked that his appreciation be forwarded to the filmmakers and that progress and development be shared with the Board.




  • Members noted progress on the Future of Cities: City Citizens videos.




·       Officers to continue to liaise with the RSA, Core Cities and other key stakeholders to arrange the urban summit.

·       Members to forward suggestions to Eleanor Law


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