Agenda item

Theme 5: Autumn Statement (to follow)


Philip Clifford summarised details of the report. He outlined the work undertaken in order to take forward issues around levelling up and reminded them that the LGA has recently written a submission to the Levelling Up Select Committee on the cost of competitive funding, which Cllr Kevin Bentley (Chair, People & Places Board) will be giving evidence to in the next week.


Members were reminded of constraints around resources and how much they can advocate. They were asked to consider any implications and issues that might feature in the Board’s work.


The Board made several comments:


·       Remit is around devolution and City Regions; they would appreciate an item on Greater Manchester and the West Midlands.

·       Advocate cross party concerns and the need to work together to promote fair funding for all.

·       To what extent is the LGA working to present concerns to DWP about finding solutions to this challenge?

·       There is a perceived positive cut-through on the campaign by LGA – however, there is still a need to rely on council tax and we need to reflect that it is not sustainable. The reality is that the vast majority will have to make cuts.

·       Members referred to different dynamics around devolution and lessons to be learnt.

·       Council tax is not a sustainable way to fund social services.


Philip responded to these points and acknowledged that there is still more work needed.


He suggested that the item on devolution be put on the agenda for the March Board meeting.


Jasbir Jhas, LGA Advisor, was invited to respond to the points made around economic inactivity and provided an update on the work being done. She referred to a programme of work with suggestions made by the LGA in Work Local and progress in looking at joined up working.




  • Members noted the report.




·       Officers to take forward members’ comments with a plan for further discussion and updates at the Board meeting in March 2023.


The Chair moved onto confidential items. Observers were noted.


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