Agenda item

Theme 2: Update on Health devolution


Eleanor Law introduced this item and outlined the LGA’s work to date on health devolution. She referred to the rollout of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and invited colleagues to comment on the report and whether concerns previously noted had been proved correct.


Members noted a report from Michael Wood (Head of Health Economic Partnerships, NHS Confederation) and asked colleagues to consider inviting him to provide an update at the January meeting.


Members discussed issues around place-based partnership levels and problems within their own areas.


The following points were made:


·       Concerns that social problems might be medicalised.

·       There is a potential for devolution under ICS models providing the right people are in place and the balance is correct to allow them to make the decisions.

·       It needs to go further in order to act upon priorities and concerns of local residents.

·       There is huge potential, but democratic oversight is an issue and the response to the amount of meetings quite fragmented because of inability to attend.

·       Concerns around funding pressures and around acute and primary care – must not lose sight of population health.

·       There are opportunities around joint funding but there is a risk.


Ellie thanked members for their comments and said that these challenges could be fed back to Mr Wood at the January meeting.


Alison Morley (Senior Adviser, LGA’s Community & Wellbeing Board) joined the discussion at this point and updated colleagues on the current policy position and work with DHSC.


She asked members to note that the government’s integration white paper was focussed on place-based partnerships and with re-structuring, it has been stalled. but LGA has been lobbying for more information on integration. She referred to the announcement that Patricia Hewitt will be conducting a review on the autonomy and accountability of ICBs, and members noted that the LGA have been asked to be involved in the review. She acknowledged members’ concerns and will be pushing for assurance that focus of ICBs is outward towards residents and public and not just government.


The Chairman summarised suggestions and thanked Ellie for the report, asking that comments be passed to Mr Wood in advance of his attendance.


He shared the following with colleagues:


·       The UK Government expect to launch a national resilience strategy in next few months.

·       The scope will focus on understanding risks, prevention and a whole systems approach.

·       Get a senior colleague from government working on this to attend a meeting soon.

·       Conversations are also happening around accessing finance, both international and national.

·       City Resilience Network were at CoP and alignment with them would be useful.


The Chair agreed that this should be an item on the next agenda and requested officer colleagues to facilitate any Zoom/ Teams conversations in advance.




  • Members noted the update.




·       Officers to invite Michael Wood to attend the January Board meeting, to discuss how the NHS envisages ICSs working with councils to promote better health and economic outcomes for places, and how this can be integrated into a wider programme of health devolution.

·       Officers to facilitate Zoom / Teams meetings as opportunity for members to provide further feedback and collate these in advance of the next Board meeting for Mr Wood to comment on.