Agenda item

Economic Growth Improvement Programme Update


The Chair invited Rhian Gladman (RG), Programme Manager, to introduce the update.


RG gave a brief introduction to the LGA’s Economic Growth Improvement Support Offer centred around 5 pillars (i) Leadership Essentials training for councillors; (ii) the Economic Growth Roundtable series; (iii) the Economic Growth hub; (iv) the UK Shared Prosperity Fund hub; and (v) the Economic Growth Advisers Programme. RG then introduced Matthew Fletcher (MF), Head of Economic Development & Regeneration at Tamworth Borough Council - one of the participants in this year’s Economic Growth Advisers Programme.


MF gave a presentation on how Tamworth Borough Council had benefitted from the programme.


Members’ comments and questions:

·       Had the LGA engaged with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in devising its programme, both in terms of addressing workforce capacity and also providing expertise and advice? RG welcomed the suggestion and agreed to take it forward, particularly in relation to capacity issues in some of the smaller district and borough councils.

·       Feedback was provided on the Leadership Essentials course in relation to (a) the high number of signed up delegates who didn’t attend; and (b) the skewing of the presenters on the course predominantly to one particular political party. In relation to (a), RG said that they would be trialling a hybrid approach next year to see whether this enhanced attendance, and said she would look into (b).

·       How could the clear successes demonstrated by MF at Tamworth effectively be scaled up and replicated across the country? RG said that the programme so far had been targeted at those smaller councils who had real capacity issues that prevented them from delivering growth. This scope would be kept under review.

·       How could local economic growth programmes, such as at Tamworth, be integrated into the wider sustainability agenda, particularly with climate emergency and net zero work? Were the two compatible? RG said that green growth featured heavily in the Leadership Essentials course and a roundtable event had also been held on opportunities for green growth. This agenda was vitally important moving forward.



Improvement & Innovation Board noted the update and presentation.

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