Agenda item

LGA Plan 2022-25


The Chair invited Matthew Hamilton (MH), Head of Improvement Coordination and Strategy, to introduce the report.


MH confirmed that the Plan had been signed off in October by the LGA Board and was therefore, for noting only. He pointed out that the LGA’s improvement role and support work for councils was now laid out very clearly in the new Plan.


Members’ comments and questions:

·       Would there be scope to incorporate the findings of the LGA’s peer review into the new Plan? More specifically, how would the discussions around the LGA moving towards more of an assurance role be reflected? MH reassured members that there was flexibility within the Plan to incorporate any significant findings from the review. On the assurance point, DS said that an action plan would need to be agreed with the political group leaders once the final report was published and digested.

·       It was considered important to recognise the fact that, although not statutory deliverers of adult social care services, district and borough councils nonetheless had a key role to play in supporting this area of work.




Improvement & Innovation Board noted the LGA Plan 2022-25



Officers to schedule discussion on assurance at a future IIB meeting

Supporting documents: