Agenda item

Welcome, Apologies and Substitutes, Declarations of Interest


The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and provided an update on recent developments with the establishment of the Office for Local Government (OFLOG), including meetings and engagement with the Minister, Lee Rowley MP, and the interim Chair of OFLOG, Lord Morse. She reassured members that this remained a high priority for her and the LGA Chairman moving forward and felt that progress was being made in relation to the LGA’s key asks – (i) coproduction; (ii) inclusion of data from other public bodies; and (iii) the opportunity for better data. The Chair also thanked fellow Lead Members and officers for expediting work around the Peer Support Review, which was a top priority for the Board this year.


Apologies were received from Mayor Peter Taylor, Cllr Beccy Cooper (sub Cllr Anthony McKeown), Cllr Philip Broadhead, Cllr Gwilym Butler and Cllr Julian German. Non-Board members, Cllrs Marianne Overton and Adam Paynter were in attendance as observers.


Cllr Hakewill declared an interest in agenda item 6 as an Independent Group member peer.