Agenda item

Theme 3: Urban Resilience

a)    City Systems & Data (Presentation)


b)    Urban Areas and the National Resilience Framework


a)  City Systems & Data (Presentation)


Eleanor Law introduced Lucy Vilarkin and Alex Minshull to present to ongoing resilience work at Bristol City Council.


They made several key points, including:


·       In the current decade, they are expecting a few days of heat comparable to those at the height of the 2022 summer.

·       The Vulnerability Index provides projections until the late 2070s.

·       There are some concerns regarding public health risks to the population.

·       Through the UK Climate Resilience Program, Bristol City Council was able to access expertise from the Met Office to generate the climate maps. 

·       The research considers the different drivers for heat vulnerability that relate to people in to their homes as well as their outdoor environment.

·       Demographic considerations included older people and younger people as well one-person households.


The Chair invited comments:


·       A Member queried ongoing efforts to mitigate against climate change.

·       The challenge of wilding in parks and the risk of fires in urban areas.

·       A Member asked how dynamic the tool is and how often it changes. Lucy replied that it is not a dynamic tool and that there are decisions to be made and there are going discussions about how you update it because new data will become available.


Eleanor reminded Members that the government published a new national resilience framework in December, and that there was a summary of the key points in the appendix to the paper.



b)  Urban Areas and the National Resilience Framework


Eleanor Law, Adviser, introduced the paper, providing background about the national resilience framework. Key points from her update included the following:


·        The government published a new national resilience framework in December. She pointed out that there was a summary of the key points in the appendix to the paper.

·        She highlighted the necessity of understanding around risk.

·        The work crosses the remit of several boards and the response to the national resilience frameworks is being led by the safer and Stronger Communities Board. The Policy Team will address this topic with the Board at a later date.

·        She asked for Members of the Board to contact her if there were any opinions they wished to feed in on the framework.





Members noted the report and presentation.




That officers would use comments from this Board, as well as the Safer and Stronger Communities Board, to engage with the Government on plans to take forward the proposals in the newly published national resilience framework.

Supporting documents: