Agenda item

Workforce capacity in local government


The Chairman invited Naomi Cooke, Head of Workforce, to present the report which summarized the LGA’s policy and improvement activity to address workforce capacity challenges in local government and sought the Board’s feedback on priorities for future activity. As workforce was within the Board’s remit, Members were asked for their views on what they thought should be a priority area, to inform a paper for consideration by the Executive Advisory Board.


Members made the following comments:


  • There was no area of local government not struggling with recruitment and there was a need to identify where we can make the most impact in the short and medium term.
  • It was suggested that we approach a long-term strategy for local government workforce.
  • There should be consideration for productivity and efficiency as the workforce overall was shrinking while council service demand was increasing.
  • Digital or remote working solutions can be part of the solution by attracting people to work in councils, but also present challenges by attracting people away from their local council.

·       It was a challenge to recruit for specialist roles and there should be more work done to promote professions in local government as a good career path with opportunities for development.

·        It was highlighted that the Apprenticeship Levy was not being used to its full capacity. To help use it, it was suggested that it be more flexible and allow it to fund other qualifications or skills outside of apprenticeships




Members recommended to the Executive Advisory Board that the LGA should work with all sectors and Government to create a long term workforce plan.

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