Agenda item

Fair and effective debt management, advice and support


The Chair invited Rose Doran, Senior Adviser, to present the report which provided an overview of the current lobbying and support work on councils’ approach to debt recovery and support for indebted households, which will be important aspect of our work in 2023/24. Rose also highlighted that there is a Money and Pensions Service consultation currently out on commissioning of local debt advice, which the LGA will respond to.


Members made the following comments:


·        It was noted that there had been a decrease in grant funding offered to local Citizens Advice Bureaux over the years

·        It was suggested that in the development of a debt maturity framework, most of its content should be advisory and left to local councils to ultimately determine their approach, however it was acknowledged that government would want assurance from councils that debt management was being handled appropriately.

·        Councils need an opportunity to deliver more long-term planning so they can support residents. Some recent support has been required to be delivered within quick turnaround which was challenging for revenues and benefits teams at councils


In response, Rose Doran made the following comments:


·        The debt maturity framework is intended to be a sector-led tool and not to impose statutory requirements onto councils

  • Taking a sector-led approach will put us on the front foot, and should help to prevent the imposition of requirements by partners without engagement with the LGA and councils





The debt maturity framework to be circulated to Resources Lead Members.




Members noted the current work programme; and


Members agreed the proposals for a pilot debt maturity framework for local government.


Supporting documents: