Agenda item

Updates / Any other Boards business


The Chairman invited Eamon Lally, Principal Adviser, to present the report. It was noted that there had been lots of engagement with councils.


The following updates from the Spring Budget were highlighted to members:


·        The Government is bringing forward a new discounted Public Work Loans Board (PWLB) policy margin to support local authorities borrowing for Housing Revenue Accounts and the delivery of social housing. This will provide much-needed additional support for vital council housebuilding projects. However, this will not mitigate the impact of the Government’s 7 per cent social rent cap for 2023/24.

·        In recognition of the scale of the impact, the Spring Budget announces further support to ensure ‘nutrient neutrality’ obligations can be efficiently delivered, thereby reducing the risks facing developers building homes in affected areas.


Members discussed the LGA’s work lobbying government on climate change. It was noted that whilst some progress on engagement was taking place, such as engagement with the Net Zero review, meetings with Ministers and the Skidmore report, it was not translating to significant change to policy delivery. The policy directorate at the LGA was focusing on core “punchy” messaging for manifestos and influencing ahead of a general election.




Members noted the report.  

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