Agenda item

Culture in the Fire & Rescue Service


The Chair invited Lucy Ellender (LE), Senior Adviser, to introduce the report.


LE highlighted the HMICFRS spotlight report on culture and values in the fire and rescue service and, in particular, the recommendations from this that impacted directly on the LGA.  The LGA’s next steps actions list had been updated to reflect the comments of members at the FSMC meeting on 6 March. LE then invited Mark Hardingham (MH) and Rob MacDougall (RM) to introduce the NFCC’s draft Culture action plan.


MH stressed the importance of adopting a multi-stakeholder approach to addressing the challenges facing the sector. The NFCC recognised that lots of good work had already taken place around diversity and inclusion and, in particular, they were keen to build on the previous work of the Inclusive Fire Service Group. Recent events had demonstrated that much more work needed to be undertaken to transform the working culture in FRSs, and the draft Action Plan was the start of that process.


RM explained the process behind the drafting of the Action Plan and highlighted 2 key workstreams that emerge from it: (i) the creation of a Culture Dashboard Performance Methodology to provide services with a cultural performance benchmarking and monitoring tool; and (ii) the creation of a Challenging Behaviour Toolkit containing information, guidance and best practice. RM then ran through the timeline for the development of, and consultation on, the Action Plan, culminating in its expected publication in July 2023. A governance structure is being put in place to ensure that the Action Plan is delivered and that progress is communicated effectively.


Members’ comments and questions:

·       Clarity was sought from members on how the Action Plan, and response to the HMICFRS recommendation 13, addressed issues of employment law when employers wanted to take disciplinary action against unacceptable behaviour (and what the role of the FBU should be in this process). RM said that there was a medium-term action in the Plan around exploring options for investigations and hearings. The NFCC were keen for all the representative bodies to be involved in this process and the Inclusive Fire Service Group was a good forum to facilitate it. MH added that the Fire Standards Board would be looking at whether another fire standard would be required in order to achieve some consistency in dealing with disciplinary matters. Existing tools such as the Core Code of Ethics could be used to benchmark behaviour and to recalibrate the level of tolerance of various behaviours.

·       The diversity of the group that drew up the Action Plan was queried. RM said that the NFCC were aware that this was an issue for them as an organisation, but conscious efforts had been made to ensure that as diverse a range of delegates as possible took part in the NFCC’s Culture Conference, out of which much of the Plan emerged. In addition, an external advisory board had been established by the NFCC to provide robust challenge where needed.

·       More information was requested on the Direct Entry programme and how this could improve diversity in the workforce. MH said that 7 FRSs had joined the scheme as early adopters and the level of interest had so far been good, with a diverse range of candidates coming forward. MH offered to bring a further update on the scheme to a future FSMC meeting.

·       Members asked whether the NFCC had had sight of the disciplinary case examples that FRSs had been asked to provide to HMICFRS to inform their work. MH said that he would pick up the findings of the exercise from HMICFRS when they had processed the information as it was not appropriate for confidential personal information to be passed to him directly.


The Chair concluded by encouraging members to sign up to attend the LGA’s one-day culture conference on 27 June.



FSMC welcomed the NFCC’s draft Action Plan and agreed the revised next steps set out in paragraph 37 of the report.



Schedule an update on the Direct Entry programme for a future FSMC

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