Agenda item

Update on the health and devolution working group with NHS Confederation


Philip Clifford, Senior Adviser, introduced the paper and provided an update on the newly formed health and devolution working group established by NHS Confederation and co-sponsored by the LGA following its first meeting in April 2023.


Members made the following comments:


  • Cllr Ford, as the Board’s representative, had attended a recent meeting whereby transport and the impact that a lack of access to transport had on health and wellbeing had been discussed. The working group had also looked at devolved authorities, the issues related to the meaning of devolution in different localities and the impact on health and wellbeing consequently. She confirmed that she would be attended future meeting of the group and would continue to feedback to the Board at future Board meetings.
  • A Member asked a question which related to data-sharing. Cllr Ford responded and confirmed that data-sharing would be a key topic of discussion at a newly formed Joint Commissioning unit with health partners.




That Members note the report.




Officers to feedback Members’ comments to the NHS confederation.


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