Agenda item

Transformation Support Programme

Susan Attard, Head of Productivity


The Chair invited Susan Attard (SA), Head of Productivity, to introduce the report.


SA reported that the new Transformation Support Programme was being developed as part of the funding agreement for 2023/24 with DLUHC, with a focus on providing support for councils to transform, improve and change. It was being developed with the sector through the LGA’s existing Transformation Network and early feedback had been very positive. Officers were working with the LGA’s regional teams to identify councils that might benefit most from the Programme. SA ran through the 8 improvement support offers that made up the programme and explained that these would be delivered with Local Partnerships. They were being grouped into three broad themes – (i) peer support; (ii) learning and skills; and (iii) tools and resources. Feedback was sought from members on how the Programme could be further tailored to meet the needs of councils.


Members’ comments and questions:

·       The programme was warmly welcomed by the Board and it was considered to be a huge opportunity for councils to modernise and transform the way they work.

·       It was suggested that there could be a greater role for elected members, both in terms of utilising their experience and expertise in this area and in helping reach out to councils who needed more support.

·       The importance of political leadership and support from the LGA were both cited as critical factors in instigating transformation programmes in councils.

·       The proposed matching service was welcomed in relation to helping councils that were not so advanced on their transformation journeys.

·       Two key areas of future opportunity for local government transformation were identified as artificial intelligence and harnessing the power of individuals working in communities.


SA thanked members for their input and added three additional points on member involvement – (i) in relation to the capability framework, it was proposed that the LGA develop a series of questions for members to ask their officers on transformation in their councils; (ii) Feedback would be sought from members and officers on how the TIEx tool had worked and how it could be updated and improved to support councils in their transformation journeys; (iii) the transformation masterclasses would involve both officers and members.



Improvement & Innovation Board noted the overview of the new Transformation Support Programme and agreed that the feedback provided be taken into account to inform future planning and delivery of the programme.

Supporting documents: