Agenda item

Office for Local Government (Oflog) update

Juliet Whitworth, Head of Research and Information


The Chairman invited Juliet Whitworth (JW), Head of Research and Information, to introduce the update.


JW provided members with an update on developments with Oflog since the previous Board meeting in October, as set out in the report. In particular, members were asked to agree to delegate to the Lead Members sign off of the LGA’s response to the inquiry by the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee into Oflog. This was due to the tight timescale for providing evidence.


Members’ comments and questions:

·       Concern was expressed about the real risk of Oflog potentially replacing the LGA’s activity in some areas, particularly in relation to the ‘early warning conversation’ visits to councils. It was suggested that meetings with shadow ministers would be helpful in order to gauge their thinking on Oflog ahead of a general election.



Improvement & Innovation Board noted the update and agreed to delegate to Lead Members approval of the LGA’s response to the inquiry by the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee into Oflog.

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