Agenda item

Peer Support Review update

Gary Hughes, Principal Adviser – Peer Challenge Programme


The Chairman invited GH to introduce the update.


GH highlighted the considerable progress made against the action plan agreed as part of the Peer Support Review. Officers were now proposing that IIB formally sign off the review and that outstanding actions be included in the ongoing workstreams around strengthening CPC; better joining up working between Improvement and the Political Group Offices; and renewing the approach to peer training. GH highlighted that an automated process for updating peer profiles would be trialled in the new year. The peer profiles themselves would also be revamped and input sought from members.


Members’ comments and questions:

·       In response to a question about the training section of peer profiles, GH confirmed that it was not just limited to LGA training.

·       Members discussed the benefits of having more than one member peer, from a different political party, on a CPC. It was agreed that this should be encouraged, and added to the list of proposals agreed in item 4 on strengthening CPC.



Improvement & Innovation Board:

1)    Noted the significant improvement actions achieved as a result of the peer support review.

2)    Agreed to formally close the peer support review and that outstanding actions and wider identified work be included in priority workstreams around Corporate Peer Challenge, peer training and development of an Improvement Protocol.



Add an ambition to have more than one member peer on CPCs to the list of agreed proposals in relation to improving the rigour of CPC at agenda item 4 – GH.

Supporting documents: