Agenda item

Improvement update

Mia Shelton, Senior Adviser - Improvement Coordination and Strategy


The Chairman invited Mia Shelton (MS), Senior Adviser – Improvement Coordination & Strategy, to introduce the update.


MS advised members that the full Q3 outturn would be available at the next Board in February and a full report, including on potential risks to delivery, would be tabled at this meeting. MS advised the Board that Lead Members had signed off on the next stage of the Assurance Framework consultation going live. A series of roundtable events, chaired by Cllr Brown, had been held to gather learning from councils that had had to issue S.114 notices or capitalisation directives. The findings would be captured as part of an article in First magazine. The national member peer conference had taken place and had been very successful.


Members’ comments and questions:

·       Further information was requested on numbers of non-corporate peer challenges carried out. Officers agreed to provide this information to members.

·       Clarification was requested on the relative numbers of CPCs and governance and finance peer challenges. GH confirmed that most councils were interested in doing full CPCs but DLUHC had asked for separate governance and finance targets to be included in the programme.



Improvement & Innovation Board noted the update on the programmes outlined in the paper.



Provide information on numbers of service specific non CPCs carried out – MS

Supporting documents: