Agenda item

Devolution Deals for Non-Metropolitan Areas- confidential item for discussion





The Board were invited to consider what additional functions they would like to see devolved to non-metropolitan combined or other designated authorities and provide guidance to officers on whether they would like further work to enable a strong case for devolution to be presented to government.


In discussion, the Board had the following general comments:


·         There needed to be a ‘champion’ for non-metropolitan areas.

·         The Government had not yet realised the full benefits and potential of English devolution and authorities needed a reassurance on future funding if various functions were devolved.

·         Devolution should be seen in terms of “what could work” and be delivered across the UK to benefit communities.

·         There may not be capacity in the Civil Service to progress English Devolution at the required pace.

·         The Government needed to “let go” of many of its powers and in devolving to localities, show that it can trust local government which had delivered substantial savings over the past five years: this had included public health which had been transferred from the NHS.

·         There was a great opportunity to push the devolution agenda linked with public service transformation and reform which would deliver greater savings.


Members considered that the following additional functions could be explored for devolution deals in non-metropolitan areas:


·         Emergency services

·         Education, Skills and employment support -from primary school through to further education and in the world of work.

·         Devolution should include authorities being able set their own fees and charges.

·         Integration of health and social care.




The Board noted the report and were keen for new areas to be considered for devolution in terms of their discussion.