Agenda item

Community Wellbeing Portfolio Governance


The Chair introduced the report which set out a proposed model for the Portfolio’s pilot arrangements. It was proposed that the four lead members would meet as a Portfolio Holders Group on a monthly basis, and that four Portfolio Groups were created to cover the areas of the future vision for health and care systems; funding and support for adult social care; the role of councils in promoting health and wellbeing; and vulnerable people and older people.


Members would attend Board-style meetings less regularly, and when meetings occurred they would happen at conferences or events which members would attend as a matter of course. There would be more of a role for individual members to act as regional ambassadors. Members would be asked to report back on the pilot arrangements at an appropriate time.


In the discussion which followed members made a number of comments, including:


·         Members agreed that the pilot arrangements should be reviewed prior to the LGA General Assembly and Conference in approximately nine months.  

·         Members supported the proposal of four Portfolio Groups of six members, each led by one of the lead members who would provide an overall steer.

·         The need for more regional working, and communications with a wider group of members was highlighted.


Following a general discussion on the proposed pilot arrangements, members split into four groups to discuss specific points on how the pilot would operate. Members were asked to consider the following questions:


·         How can we work in more innovative ways while reducing costs to the LGA?

·         Engaging member authorities and councillors:

o   What should we use the Forums to do?

o   Have we made the most of the HWB ambassadors and what could be the role of the portfolio’s ambassadors going forward?

o   How can we keep councillors informed?

·         What does success for these new working arrangements look like?


In the feedback session following the group discussions, members made the following comments:


·         The Portfolio should reconnect with Cabinet members across the country whose remit covered the priority areas of Community Wellbeing.

·         Forum meetings with a wider group of Community Wellbeing members should be used as a sense check to ensure that the Portfolio was progressing effectively.

·         Views of members who were not directly involved with the LGA should be sought to get as wide a view as possible.

·         A forum meeting at the forthcoming National Children and Adult Services Conference should be used to explain the new approach and get views from other members.

·         Smaller regional meetings could potentially be held at town halls across the country.

·         The role of a regional ambassador should be enhanced and refreshed.

·         Communications should be co-ordinated across all work streams, and good use should be made of publications such as First Magazine.

·         Members should provide a link with their local MP on community wellbeing matters.



Members agreed to the proposals set out in the report regarding the proposed model for the pilot governance structure.



Officers to progress pilot arrangements as set out in the report.

Supporting documents: