Agenda item

Changes to Governance Structure


The Chairman advised that the Leadership Board had agreed to pilot a new portfolio holder style governance model from 1September, with one of the pilot areas being Resources.  The pilot would be based on a flexible, portfolio way of working, with no formal meeting, and a review after 6 months. Given this, no Resources Board meetings had been planned for 2015/16. 


Stephen Hughes (Executive Director) advised that as part of the governance changes, the Leadership Board would take a stronger role in shaping the work of the Boards where a corporate overview was required.  In line with this, the Leadership Board had commissioned work on a number of cross cutting areas, details of which would be developed over the summer and shared with the new Resources Portfolio members at the earliest possible opportunity.  


In the discussion that followed, Members asked for further details on how the pilots would operate and highlighted the importance that the new arrangements encompass all activity undertaken by elected members within the Resources area. 



The Resources Board noted the update.



Circulate details of the governance changes to current Resources Board members. (Frances Marshall)