Agenda item

Break-Out Sessions: Work Programme Priorities for 2015-16 and working with other Boards

Each of the four Portfolio Holders will outline the suggested work programme priorities within their respective Portfolio areas.


All members will then be invited to take part in a breakout workshop to input into and shape the work programme for one of the following Portfolio areas:      


Lead Members verbally outlined the suggested work programme priorities from within their respective Portfolio areas as follows:


·         Cllr Claire Kober OBE            Local Government Finance

·         Cllr John Fuller                        Strategic Finance and Growth

·         Cllr Clarence Barrett               Workforce

·         Cllr Claire Hudson                   Welfare


Portfolio Members will then separated into four breakout groups to shape these priorities into an agreed work programme.  The discussion noted from these are as set out below.



The Resources Portfolio agreed that their discussion on the work programme priorities inform the development of the work programme to be signed off by Lead Members.   

Supporting documents: