Agenda item

Alcohol’s harm to others: An Institute of Alcohol Studies report


The Chair introduced Katherine Brown, Director of the Institute of Alcohol Studies, who presented the Institute’s latest report into the wider impact of alcohol on society. The report summarises the findings of research by the University of Sheffield into the impact of   alcohol on people other than the drinker.


The report identifies a number of measures that could be taken to reduce these levels of harm. These included:


·         introducing a minimum unit price

·         restricting the density of outlets

·         restricting permitted hours of sale

·         providing brief advice to risky drinkers

·         tougher drink driving laws.


The Chair thanked the Director for her presentation and invited members to share their views on the issue. There was a discussion during which members made a number of comments:


·         the density and prevalence of outlets contributes to the problem of harmful drinking

·         the negative impact on pubs and other licenced venues caused by people who have already consumed cheap alcohol bought from other outlets

·         evidence from international comparisons shows what measures can be successful

·         the apparent success of tougher drink driving laws in Scotland

·         issues associated with stag and hen parties and all day drinking including the impact on the local economy as well as specialist pubs selling high strength beers

·         the harm and impact alcohol has on health and the emergency services.


Members discussed whether the LGA needed to revisit its position on minimum unit price and proposed a paper on what councils could do to address alcohol harms be brought to the next board.




The Board agreed to receive a brief paper on reducing alcohol related harms, outlining the available information on minimum unit pricing along with a proposed approach for an LGA-wide discussion, recognising the interest of other Boards such as Community and Wellbeing.




Officers to progress as appropriate.


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