Agenda item

Productivity Programme


Cllr Shirley Pannell and Alan Finch introduced the report, which outlined the progress being made in the Productivity Programme.Brian Reynolds, Head of the One Public Estate Programme, was present to update members on progress and the recent extension of the scheme.


Cllr Pannell highlighted the work done on the digital transformation offer; the publication of the interim report on health and social care integration, the findings of which were well received; and progress in updating the shared services map. She then introduced a new video podcast about the Productivity Experts Programme. Members welcomed the podcast and thanked Joanne Straw for her work in putting it together.


Brian Reynolds informed members that the One Public Estate programme, is a Cabinet Office funded programme to help local and national government use their land and property more efficiently. He highlighted four features of the programme of interest to the Board:


1.    The creation of a powerful ministerial star chamber that aims to help resolve disputes between councils and central government.

2.    Greater flexibility for local authorities to use capital receipts for investing.

3.    Priority purchaser status for local authorities when central departments sell assets.

4.    A new duty on central departments to engage with local government when disposing of assets.


Members thought that the accompanying report highlighted a host of valuable projects that the One Public Estate programme is engaged in and emphasised the importance of greater clarity around the cost/benefit analysis of the programme and of the LGA sharing lessons learnt about best practice from these projects with the sector more widely.




Members noted the updates and progress on the Productivity Programme.




Brian Reynolds will distribute a brochure to board members containing further details and statistics about the One Public Estate programme.



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