Agenda item

Performance and Finance - 6 monthly update


The Chairman introduced the six-month monitoring report, which presents a summary of performance against the LGA’s business plan and Memorandum of Understanding with DCLG in respect of our revenue support grant (RSG) funded programmes.


Overall performance is strong. Of the 26 key targets 15 are rag-rated green and the remaining 11 are on course to be delivered and currently rated amber.


Members welcomed the report and indicated that it would also be interesting to have some qualitative feedback on the achievements of different RSG-funded programmes to complement the statistical feedback.

Members felt that children’s services as an area might benefit from greater RSG funding in the future.


Dennis Skinner explained that the RSG funding comes from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), which had expectations about its use. DCLG was likely to be unhappy about significant amounts being spent on children's services improvement in the absence of funding from DfE.




Members noted the report.


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