Agenda item

Cyber-crime - LGA work plan


Mark Norris, Principal Policy Advisor, introduced the paper which updates the Board on LGA work to support councils in preparing for and dealing with the threat posed by cyber-crime. The LGA productivity team is working with DCLG and will be holding an event on reducing councils’ exposure to cyber-attacks in Spring 2016. The LGA is also launching a survey of members to see what type of support in the area of emergency planning and cyber resilience would be most effective. Members asked that training for elected councillors also be included on the programme.


Mark Norris also updated members on the work the LGA was doing around the Investigatory Powers Bill and ensuring that councils having access to communications data. The LGA is lobbying parliamentarians to raise awareness of why local authorities need access to such data.




The Board agreed to the programme of work outlined in the paper.




Officers to circulate details of the joint LGA-CLG event about cyber security.


Officers to progress work programme taking into account members comments.


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