Agenda item

Update report


Mark Norris, Principal Policy Advisor, introduced the paper which provides an update on LGA policy work and developments affecting the priorities agreed by the Board.


Members asked about the event the LGA will be hosting jointly with the Department of Communities and Local Government and the Home Office about domestic abuse. The event will be looking at how service provision for domestic abuse victims can be improved, and what support might be available at a national level to assist authorities in the future.


Cllr Kay Hammond, Deputy Chair of the Fire Services Management Committee, raised the Policing and Crime Bill in reference to the proposed changes to the governance of Fire and Rescue Authorities. Where the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) does not take on governance for the fire and rescue service they can be given a place on the Fire and Rescue Authority (FRA) where they request it, though the council(s) involved can refuse the request. Cllr Hammond highlighted the impact this could have on authorities which are also the FRA.


Members asked that the letter from the Chair, Cllr Brett as the Board’s champion with responsibility for FGM, and Javed Khan, Chief Executive of Barnardo’s wrote to the relevant Minister at the Department of Education along with the Chair of the Children and Young People’s Board in December be circulated.




Members noted the activities outlined.




Officers to circulate the letter sent to the Department of Education.

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