Agenda item

Update paper


Mark Norris introduced the report which provides an update on policy work and developments affecting the Board’s priorities.


Some members of the Board expressed an interest in becoming Prevent champions. This can be done through the peer mentoring process and officers would make necessary arrangements.


Members raised a number of points about funeral poverty and medical examiners. Some areas are having difficulties in issuing death certificates and concerns have been raised about the distances people are having to travel to declare a death. The LGA should continue to lobby for increased funding and recruitment of medical examiners.


Members were disappointed by the Home Office’s initial feedback on their recent consultation on complaints about PCCs conduct. Members will continue to highlight the problems in the system which do not allow Police and Crime Panels to properly investigate complaints about a PCC’s conduct.


Cllr Worth raised concerns about the risk of contamination of food carried in lorries transporting migrants. Members felt it was worth exploring the extent to which this is an issue to councils and what support the LGA can offer.




The Board noted the update report and agreed to investigate concerns around contamination of food in vehicles transporting migrants.




Officers to progress in line with members comments.


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