Agenda item

Portfolio Review Workshop


The Chair provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation which summarised the background to the Portfolio Review, provided an overview of the feedback and analysis from the online survey of Resources and Community Wellbeing Portfolios Members and outlined a series of options for future operating models for Members’ discussion.   In doing so, she drew particular attention of the pilot’s performance against the three evaluation criteria; that the Portfolio approach be more efficient, less costly and result in higher levels of involvement by members and member councils.  


Portfolio Members then separated into four breakout groups to discuss the future operating model options outlined in the presentation and how they could be shaped to enhance their effectiveness.  The discussion notes from these discussions are as set out at Appendix B.



The Resources Portfolio recommended ‘Option C’ - a hybrid model that is based on a Board structure with regular meetings but with the flexibility of the Portfolio model - to the LGA’s Governance Task Group.