Agenda item

Productivity Programme


The Chairman and Alan Finch introduced the report which set out the progress made on the LGA’s productivity programme and the main elements of the intended programme in the coming year. Cllr Shirley Pannell drew members’ attention to the forthcoming launch of the updated shared services map.


The Chairman further informed members that the LGA’s negotiations over its government grant have been completed, and funding for improvement support to the sector has now been secured. Due to this late announcement, Alan Finch mentioned that the forward programme for productivity was still largely in development.


Board members made the following comments:


·         The importance of the work on demand management and looking at how to take demand out of the system, not simply how to manage increasing demand for services.


·         The important role of District councils in delivering preventative outcomes around health and social care. Moreover, more joined up thinking should be espoused including promoting a closer working relationship between social care and health.


·         Community engagement is an under exploited resource due in part to the huge pressure in local authorities to outsource services.


·         The importance of effective working with partners locally and the difficulties in engaging with the health sector which was leading to difficulties in some areas in providing GP surgeries.




Members noted the updates and progress on the Productivity Programme.




Officers to pursue the activities outlined taking account of members guidance.


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